Highest level of evidence:Level 2
Also known as ARAF1
ARAF, an intracellular kinase, is infrequently altered by mutation or amplification in various cancer types.
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NCBI Gene369
Ensembl GeneENSG00000078061 (GRCh37/GRCh38)
ChrX:47420516-47431307 (GRCh37)
ChrX:47561205-47571908 (GRCh38)
Ensembl TranscriptENST00000377045 (GRCh37/GRCh38)
RefSeqNM_001654.4 (GRCh37/GRCh38)
Annotated Mutations in MSK-IMPACT™ Clinical Sequencing Cohort (Zehir et al., Nat Med 2017)
Cancer Types with ARAF Mutations
Hepatobiliary CancerRenal Cell CarcinomaSoft Tissue SarcomaNon-Small Cell Lung CancerColorectal CancerBreast Cancer% altered0.100.200.30
A list of the cancer type-specific ARAF alterations that may predict response to a targeted drug and the corresponding OncoKB™ level of evidence assigning their level of clinical actionability.
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